主页 > 综合银行招聘信息 > 澳大利亚和新西兰银行(中国)有限公司招聘信息


发布时间:2011-07-06  截至日期:已过期  来源:综合银行招聘信息 查看:打印  关闭
(Yinhangzhaopin.com)温馨提示:凡告知“加qq联系、无需任何条件、工作地点不限”,收取服装费、押金、报名费等各种费用的信息均有欺诈嫌疑,请保持警惕。 文章标签:银行 中国 信息 公司招聘 有限 新西兰 澳大利亚

简历投递: gongzuo@anz.com
职位性质: 全职/见习 有效日期: 2011年07月06日 至 2011年07月20日
招聘人数: 多人 
工作地点: 上海
Banking Associate职位描述: 
  Banking Associate

Interested in becoming a part of the rapidly developing China banking industry?

Here is an exciting opportunity to join one of the most dynamic international banks in China!

Australia and New Zealand Bank (China) Company Limited (“ANZ China”) is seeking talented university graduates to join its fast growing business as Banking Associates.

Opportunities in ANZ China

Banking Associate: [Job Number: SHA100361]
(Various opportunities in Retail, Operations, and Institutional Banking)

· 12 months of comprehensive training (on-the-job supported by classroom sessions)
· Exposures to various businesses and functions across ANZ China
· Interactions with experienced banking professionals
· Direct participation in concrete projects and initiatives

Essential requirements:

· Fresh graduate (bachelor/master degree) from a reputable university, or with maximum one year of working experience in banking / financial services
· Minimum GPA of 3.0
· Excellent interpersonal & communication skills, including proficiency in English (verbal & written)
· Strong analytical, numerical and problem solving abilities
· Will to work hard, open-minded, and proactive


Please apply online at https://anz.taleo.net/careersection/10880/jobsearch.ftl?lang=en-GB

(key in the Job Number [SHA100361] in search column) before 20 July 2011.

For general enquiries, please contact gong.zuo@anz.com

Find out more about ANZ China at: www.anz.com/china 


澳大利亚和新西兰银行(中国)有限公司作为最早进入中国市场的 之一,在北京、上海、广州重庆设有分行,同时入资上海农村商业银行beplay888备用网址 银行成为战略合作关系。致力于成为亚太区领先银行,澳新银行(中国)更注重在中国市场的发展,真诚欢迎各位优秀的业界英才的加盟,与澳新银行(中国)一同创造美好明天!

电子邮箱: gongzuo@anz.com
企业网址: http://www.anz.com/china

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