主页 > 综合银行招聘信息 > 加拿大丰业银行有限公司上海分行招聘人才信息


发布时间:2011-01-13  截至日期:已过期  来源:综合银行招聘信息 查看:打印  关闭
(Yinhangzhaopin.com)温馨提示:凡告知“加qq联系、无需任何条件、工作地点不限”,收取服装费、押金、报名费等各种费用的信息均有欺诈嫌疑,请保持警惕。 文章标签:信息 银行 分行 上海 有限公司 加拿大 丰业 招聘人才

公司网址:www.scotiabank.com公司性质: 外商独资

The Bank of Nova Scotia (Incorporated in Canada with Limited Liability)
Scotiabank Group is celebrating its 178th anniversary in 2010, recognizing a success that began in a single office in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1832. Today, Scotiabank is one of North America's premier financial institutions and Canada's most international bank. With close to 57,000 employees, Scotiabank Group and its affiliates serve approximately 12 million customers in some 50 countries around the world, offering diverse range of products and services, including personal, commercial, corporate and investment banking. Scotiabank has a strong and consistent commitment to China's economic and financial development since the early 1980s, with offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing and also an equity investment in Bank of Xi'an.
Account Officer--Trade Finance
- Develop trade finance business with L/C beneficiary customers by diligent marketing calls(primary task);
- Participate in dealing with the issues on correspondent banking;
- Cross-sell non-trade products and services of the Bank;
- Ensure compliance with local laws and regulations and the Bank's policies and guidelines in relation to trade finance business;
- Regularly monitoring accounts and taking appropriate and prompt actions to safeguard the Bank's trade assets;
- Promptly accomplish other tasks assigned by the department head and respond to inquiries from other departments/units.
- Bachelor degree in related discipline (intern experiences in banking industry preferred);
- General banking knowledge;
- Self-motivated and result-oriented;
- Good analytic and problem solving skills;
- Able to work under pressure;
- Good communication skills and team player;
- Proficient in Oral/Written English and Office software.
Please send resume to roland.xu@scotiabank.com by January 23, 2011.

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