主页 > 综合银行招聘信息 > 德意志银行招聘Global Equity Services Department实习生[北京]

德意志银行招聘Global Equity Services Department实习生[北京]

发布时间:2009-09-11  截至日期:已过期  来源:综合银行招聘信息 查看:打印  关闭
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德意志银行 Global Equity Services Department实习生招聘启事(1人)

Internship - Sales support, GES

Job Descriptions
Reporting to the Sales Director:
to identify target customers and initiate business relationships, primarily with pre-IPO companies
to involve and assist in sales pitching and deal closing process, including preparation and presentation of pitchbook/proposal/financial model; intensive client calls and sales follow-up; management of database, etc
to maintain extensive networking with various intermediaries such as law firms, investment banks, venture capital and private equity firms, etc.

Qualification Requirements:
strong analytical skills, good business sense and presentable
teamwork player
highly self-motivated, result-driven and ability to work independently under high pressure
excellent command of English and Chinese
At least 4 days a week in 3 months
请将中英文简历发送到 careers.cn@db.com
注意:务必在邮件标题中注明"Apply for GES Intern_XX大学_XX"否则邮件将有可能被过滤,谢谢

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