主页 > 综合银行招聘信息 > 花旗银行广州分行招聘企业银行部 - Commercial Banking Group Relationship Mang(2)

花旗银行广州分行招聘企业银行部 - Commercial Banking Group Relationship Mang(2)

发布时间:2007-08-20  截至日期:已过期  来源:综合银行招聘信息 查看:打印  关闭
(Yinhangzhaopin.com)温馨提示:凡告知“加qq联系、无需任何条件、工作地点不限”,收取服装费、押金、报名费等各种费用的信息均有欺诈嫌疑,请保持警惕。 文章标签:分行 客户 广州 花旗银行 商业银行

Ability to handle basic English, both written & spoken
- Excellent communication/interpersonal skills
- Self-motivated and achievement oriented
   公司简介 -www.sinusindia.com
Citibank is recognized as one of the most successful international financial institutions in the world. Our business is expanding rapidly and we are looking for highly qualified, ambitious individuals wishing to progress to the highest levels of their personal career development in Citibank.
Citibank is a leading global commercial bank! We provide challenging and rewarding career opportunities with the vacancy:
Successful candidate will be provided with superior career development opportunities and competitive remuneration package. If you are interested in the position please send your CV (English & Chinese) to us.
(Please indicate position applied & "51Job" on the envelope)
地    址: 广州市天河北路233号中信广场7201室
邮政编码: 510613
联 系 人: 人力资源部(企业银行)
电    话: (020)38771333
电子邮箱: hr.guangzhou@citi.com

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