主页 > 综合银行招聘信息 > 英国渣打银行上海分行招聘Manager, Operational Risk(3)

英国渣打银行上海分行招聘Manager, Operational Risk(3)

发布时间:2007-08-08  截至日期:已过期  来源:综合银行招聘信息 查看:打印  关闭
(Yinhangzhaopin.com)温馨提示:凡告知“加qq联系、无需任何条件、工作地点不限”,收取服装费、押金、报名费等各种费用的信息均有欺诈嫌疑,请保持警惕。 文章标签:银行 分行 上海 英国 Risk

Standard Chartered is an international banking group headquartered in London with over 1200 offices in 56 countries. Having established our first branch in Shanghai in 1858, Standard Chartered is honored to be the oldest foreign bank in China. Today, we have eleven branches (Qingdao to be opened soon), six sub-branches and three representative offices in China providing both Wholesale and Consumer Banking customers with creative solutions and unparalleled service. Dedicating ourselves to the long-term development in China, we hereby invite you to join our strong Consumer Banking.

Interested parties please send your resume, both in English and Chinese with Contact telephone No., Applied position, and Expected salary to us.
Visit: www.standardchartered.com/cn/career or mail to 渣打银行上海分行。
公司网站: http://www.standardchartered.com/cn/career
地    址: 上海市浦东陆家嘴东路161号招商局大厦30楼
邮政编码: 200120
联 系 人: 人力资源部
电子邮箱: hr.china@cn.standardchartered.com

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