Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (China) Limited, is the local subsidiary bank established in China that wholly owned by Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation.
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) was formed in April 2001 through the merger of Sakura Bank and Sumitomo Bank, the core financial institutions of the Mitsui Group and the Sumitomo Group, respectively, each with its own long history.
As one of the famous commercial banks in the world, with branches overseas widely, SMBC is engaged in providing our customers with superior banking products and services by the international view and strategy. Since 1982, the first representative office was established in Beijing, the development in China of SMBC has been 27 years` history.
On April 27th 2009, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (China) Limited was founded, with its Head office in Shanghai, 6 branches in Beijing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Tianjin, Shenyang, and 3 sub-branches including, Suzhou Industrial Park, Tianjin Binhai and Shanghai Puxi.
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (China) Limited is committed to provide more comprehensive and professional banking services to customers. We are sincerely inviting excellent talent candidates to join us.
部 门 岗 位
总行企业银行第一部 营业助理/信贷分析助理
资金结算管理部 资金结算管理营业助理
信贷审批部 信贷审批助理
资金交易部 资金交易助理
风险管理部 市场风险管理助理
企业调研部 企业调研助理
总行营业管理部 银行业务操作助理
财务会计部 财务会计助理
? 2011年应届毕业生
? 专业:日语、金融、财会、国际经贸、工商管理等
? 外语听说读写流利(日语:能力一级 或 英语:大学六级)
? 熟练运用办公室自动化操作软件
? 良好的沟通以及人际交往能力,团队合作、协调性佳
? 耐心、细致、严谨,责任心强
? 主动性高,学习能力强
? 良好的逻辑思维与分析、解决问题能力
? 请有意应聘的同学投递中文简历与外语简历(英语或日语)各一份
? 请在个人简历中附上近期本人一寸免冠照
? 电子简历投递邮箱地址:shanghaihr@cn.smbc.co.jp
? 书面简历投递地址:上海市浦东新区世纪大道100号上海环球金融中心11楼(200120)
? 请在信封正面/邮件标题上注明"2011年校园招聘"字样