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发布时间:2010-04-12 15:03 来源: 华侨银行招聘查看:次 打印 关闭



一. 公司简介
华侨银行成立于1912年,是新加坡成立最早的本土银行。在全球金融机构中,华侨银行所获的评级备受肯定,获得穆迪( Moody )长期信用评级AA1。华侨银行及其子公司向客户提供全方位专业金融服务,包括个人业务、公司业务、投资业务、私人银行业务、交易银行业务以及全球资金业务和股票经纪业务,以满足不同客户的需求。
华侨银行的主要市场为新加坡、马来西亚、印尼以及大中华地区,在共15个国家和地区拥有超过500个分支行。这其中包括华侨银行在印度尼西亚的子公司OCBC NISP的382家分支行。
华侨银行的附属公司-大东方控股(Great Eastern Holdings),从资产规模和市场占有率方面都是新加坡和马来西亚最大的保险集团。其旗下的资产管理公司利安资金(Lion Global Investors)是东南亚最大的私人机构资产管理公司之一。


自1925年在厦门设立第一家分行起,华侨银行一直保持在中国的持续经营。在这85年内,华侨银行不仅没有间断过在中国的业务和服务, 我们也是1949年后在中国大陆连续经营的四家 之一。

华侨银行中国的注册资本为人民币35亿元(约合新币6亿9800万元)。目前华侨银行中国聘有 近500名员工,除了上海总部,华侨银行中国在北京、厦门、beplay888备用网址 成都广州重庆共设有11家分支行。此外,华侨银行在青岛还设有一个代表处。


华侨银行中国企业银行业务包括: 各类贷款; 项目融资; 贸易融资; 现金管理 / 外汇交易; 银团贷款 / 债券; 投行咨询服务; 风险,战略投资及网上银行服务.


About OCBC Bank
OCBC Bank, established in 1912, is the first local bank in Singapore. It is among the world's highest rated banks, with a long term credit rating of Aa1 from Moody's.

OCBC Bank and its subsidiaries offer a broad array of specialist financial services, ranging from consumer, corporate, investment, private and transaction banking to treasury, insurance, asset management and stockbroking services.

OCBC Bank’s key markets are Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Greater China. It has a network of more than 500 branches and representative offices in 15 countries and territories, including 382 branches and offices in Indonesia operated by its subsidiary, Bank OCBC NISP.

OCBC Bank's insurance subsidiary, Great Eastern Holdings, is the largest insurance group in Singapore and Malaysia by assets, and its asset management subsidiary, Lion Global Investors, is one of the largest private sector asset management companies in Southeast Asia.
For more information, please visit www.ocbc.com

About OCBC China
OCBC Bank (China) Limited (“OCBC China”) established its operations on 1 August 2007 as a wholly-foreign-owned bank solely owned by OCBC Bank. Headquartered in Shanghai, OCBC China has incorporated all the China branches previously under OCBC Bank.

OCBC Bank has maintained a continuous presence in China since 1925 with the opening of our first branch in Xiamen. This was followed by a branch in Shanghai in 1927. In Chengdu, we were the first foreign bank to open a branch in this fast-growing part of southwestern China, offering a full suite of services to suit our customers' banking requirements.

OCBC China's network comprises its head office in Shanghai, branches and sub-branches in the cities of Xiamen, Tianjin, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Beijing and one representative office in Qingdao .

As to personal banking, OCBC espouses the traditional Chinese values of putting family first and is committed to providing professional financial solutions for family wealth preservation. We provide a variety of RMB and foreign currency wealth management products, and our professional Relationship Managers are well equipped with advanced tools to help provide relevant wealth management solutions to assist sustainable growth of your family wealth.


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