主页 > 回收区 > 经济,金融招聘 > 野村集团2011校园招聘信息


发布时间:2011-03-02 19:14  来源:经济,金融招聘 查看:打印  关闭

时间:2011年3月7日上午  10:30-12:30
野村是第一批在中国设立代表处的海外证券公司,目前在北京及上海设立代表处,并通过。上世纪80年代,野村就开始向中国企业提供金融和投资服务,成为国有企业和民营企业境外资本市场融资及并购交易的积极参与者。此外,野村曾先后为中国政府各部委和有关企业培训了近千名证券金融人才。2003年,野村证券获准成为中国大陆首批境外合格机构投资者(QFII)之一,目前拥有3.5亿美元的投资额度。2010年,野村资产管理公司获得2亿美元的QFII额度。2008及2009年,野村连续两年获得《欧洲货币》颁发的该年度 "中国最佳并购行"奖项。2010年,野村在《机构投资者》首次设立的全中国研究团队评选中名列榜首。
请于3月20日前发送您的简历到    dan.lai@nomura.com; mara.li@nomura.com
Job Description
Nomura Asia provides motivated college graduates an entry-level position in Investment Banking through the Investment Banking Analyst Program.  The two to three-year Program begins with four to five weeks of classroom training in London for all incoming Analysts around the world.  Training consists of an orientation to the Firm, intensive accounting classes, team building, computer instruction and an introduction to financial valuation techniques. Analysts will assist senior bankers on financing and advisory projects for clients as members of project teams.
We have developed a highly personalized, flexible approach to our Program, one that emphasizes long-term career development. Our goal is to help our Analysts advance by providing them with significant responsibility and diverse experiences.
Analysts perform a variety of roles. Most assignments involve some form of financial analyses, including those necessary for debt and equity financings, mergers and acquisitions, divestitures and general financial advisory services.  Analysts work with individuals at all levels within the Firm and attend client meetings as part of their ongoing activities. As Analysts mature and develop on the job, their responsibilities and project assignments expand greatly.
The majority of the Analyst positions in Asia are for the Corporate Finance Group in Hong Kong where Analysts will have opportunities to work on a number of projects in industries including Financial Institutions, Communications, Media & Technology, Power, Natural Resources, Consumer & Retail, Real Estate and Financial Sponsors.  In addition, we offer positions in our Global Finance Group in Hong Kong where Analysts can specialize in our Debt or Equity Capital Markets Groups or the Derivatives Solutions Group.  We may also have limited positions available in country coverage groups including our China (Beijing/Hong Kong), Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Southeast Asia (based in Singapore), Australia and India teams.
While no specific major or path of study is required for the Investment Banking Analyst position, strong quantitative skills and an interest in business and finance are necessary. Coursework in accounting is strongly recommended. Intelligence, leadership traits, diligence, the ability to work well with others and the willingness and capability to function efficiently under severe time constraints are absolutely essential. Long hours and demanding assignments are a constant reality in the Investment Banking field.  We are seeking to identify all outstanding candidates with a strong interest and knowledge of Asia, but also have specific needs to fill positions with candidates who are fluent in Mandarin or Korean.
To apply, please attach your resume with the subject heading: Application for 2011 Full Time Analyst Position in Asia.



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