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华兴资本2011校园招聘-China Renaissance Campus Recruitment 20

发布时间:2010-09-28 18:16 来源: 经济,金融招聘查看:次 打印 关闭

China Renaissance Overview
China Renaissance is a leading independent investment bank in China. Established in Beijing in 2004, we focus on top Chinese entrepreneurs across a broad range of sectors
including TMT, consumer products & services, education, healthcare, financial services and CleanTech. We have more than 50 professionals in two offices
in Beijing and Shanghai. We offer financial advisory services in private placement and M&A to an extensive network of leading Chinese entrepreneurs. In the past six
years we have become the number one advisor to Chinese entrepreneurs and successfully close over $2 billion worth of transactions. We have received awards
The Best Boutique Investment Bank in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. Please visit www.chinarenaissance.com for more information.

Your Career Begins with China Renaissance
China Renaissance is hiring individuals completing undergraduate or master degree in 2011 into our Fulltime Analyst Program. Analysts who work for China Renaissance
enjoy a genuinely different experience. Our entrepreneurial and non-hierarchical environment is such that individuality and original thinking are highly prized. You
will find that our environment cultivates and rewards intellectual rigor, decisiveness and conviction.

The Fulltime Analyst Program
Analysts play a critical role in our transaction team, running analysis of valuations and helping to execute complex transactions across all of our business
areas, including Private Placement, M&A and Restructuring. As an Analyst, you will have the opportunity to work closely with senior professionals on a variety of
transactions. The work is challenging and analysts are expected to roll up their sleeves, dig into financial statements and think "outside the box".

Analysts' role typically includes:
- In-depth industry research and analysis
- Analyzing financial and operating information for corporations and industries
- Creating statistical summaries that analyze comparative financial performance
- Building models to project financial results and to value companies
- Preparing client presentations
- Participating actively in the execution of financings and M&A transactions

Analysts must be team players with a strong work ethic and keen attention to detail. Our most successful analysts approach all assignments with a positive "can do"
attitude. We hire analysts who come from diverse academic backgrounds including majors in English, Arts, Engineering, and of course, Accounting and Finance.

The Analyst Program is a two- to three- year experience. After completing the Analyst Program, you will become masters of multi-tasking, usually working on
several assignments simultaneously.

How to Apply?
For the Full Time Analyst Program, please send your CV in both English and Chinese to zhaopin2011@chinarenaissance.com before October 31, 2010.

Thank you for your attention!


华兴资本于2004年在北京成立,是中国领先的专注于为高速成长的中国创业型企业家提供顶级财务顾问服务的投资银行。我们为中国的创业者提供全面的财务解决方案,以帮助他们拓展业务并创造更多的价值。公司由来自摩根士丹利、瑞士信贷、雷曼兄弟、瑞德银行和德意志银行等华尔街一流投行的资深银行家组成,他们曾任职于纽约、旧金山、伦敦、香港、悉尼和东京。目前公司专注于一系列与消费者相关的行业,包括:高科技、媒体、电信、教育、医疗、金融服务和日用消费品等行业,我们向国内外的客户提供融资和战略咨询方面的服务,是深受中国创业者、跨国企业和机构投资者欢迎的合作伙伴。在过去的六年中,华兴资本已经成长为该领域排名第一的专业机构。并于2006、2007、2008和2009连续四年被国内专业的财经媒体评选为 "中国最佳新型投行"。 有关公司详情请访问:www.chinarenaissance.com 。


- 深入研究和分析行业状况
- 分析公司和行业的财务和运营数据
- 总结和比较同类公司财务状况
- 建立预测公司未来发展的财务模型,并对公司价值进行评估
- 准备演示材料
- 参与融资和并购交易的执行



申请全职分析师职位,请将中英文简历发至zhaopin2011@chinarenaissance.com ,截止日期为2010年10月31日。



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