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[上海]花旗银行招聘HR-T&D Intern

发布时间:2012-05-08 09:50 来源: 花旗银行招聘查看:次 打印 关闭
2017年银行校园招聘网申模拟系统是全国首个网申智能评分系统,帮你网申 通过率提高5倍

Citibank China – HR- T&D Intern
1. Support training team to deal with the training admin related.
2. Maintain training and certification record.
3. Support on training system maintenance.
4. Other training related task.
- 1ST year post-graduate student is preferred
- At least 4 days available for full time work per week and 6 continuous months.
- Detail oriented, flexible, team player.
- Fluent in both oral and written English.
- Good command of MS Office, especially Excel.
If you are interested in the position, please send your English and Chinese resume with recent photo to " hr.shanghai@citi.com, Title should be in this format: Citi T&D Intern -学校名-年级-一周几天-姓名


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