花旗银行招聘HR MA

发布时间:2012-02-07 20:07 来源: 花旗银行招聘查看:次 打印 关闭
2017年银行校园招聘网申模拟系统是全国首个网申智能评分系统,帮你网申 通过率提高5倍

职位: MA HR 人力资源 管培

Program Description:

The HR Management Associate (MA) Program is 12 months long, consisting of structured rotation, advanced training and abundant exposure. You will have the opportunity to explore multiple Human Resources areas through the rotation in different teams of Human Resources. Apart from such on-job training, you will be required to complete courses/programs that cover banking foundation, business knowledge, technical and soft skills, as well as leadership foundations, etc. Throughout the program, you will be involved in networking, MA activities, and projects with coaching and mentorship from senior management.

We are looking for candidates with enthusiasm, competency and innovation.

Key Success Factors:

Keen interest in the financial services industry and human resources
Leadership potential, Embraces innovation
Positive, hungry and persistent
Self-driven and committed to succeed in a rapid-growth organization
Team-player, contributes to collective goals
Demonstrates professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity
Cross-functional interests and ready to work in different locations/cities
Strong quantitative and analytical skills
Possesses excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Proficiency in both Mandarin and English

Please submit resume with photo to ma.icgcn@citi.com

About Citi China

Citi first established an office in China in May 1902, in Shanghai. Today Citi is the leading foreign bank in China, offering a broad product range. On 2nd April, 2007, Citibank (China) Co., Ltd. was officially launched as one of the first foreign banks locally incorporated in China. On 23rd April, 2007, Citibank (China) Co., Ltd. became one of the first foreign banks to offer RMB services to Chinese residents.

Citi currently has branches and sub-branches in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Chengdu, Hangzhou and Dalian, operating and offering corporate banking business as well as consumer banking business. With operations in more than 100 countries around the world, Citi is one of the most global foreign banks in China.


花旗在中国的历史可追溯至一九零二年五月。花旗是中国领先的 ,为客户提供广泛的金融产品。2007年4月2日,作为首批成功转制本地法人银行的 ,花旗银行(中国)有限公司正式成立;2007年4月23日,花旗银行(中国)有限公司成为首批正式对中国境内公民开展人民币业务的 之一。

目前,花旗分别在北京上海广州深圳beplay888备用网址 成都杭州大连设有多家分支行,开展企业银行业务和零售银行业务。花旗在全球100多个国家开展业务,是中国最具全球性的 之一。

Our business is expanding rapidly and we are looking for highly qualified, ambitious individuals wishing to progress to the highest levels of their personal career development in Citibank.
We provide challenging and rewarding career opportunities with the vacancy:

The successful candidate will be provided with superior career development opportunities and a competitive remuneration package. If you are interested in being considered for the position please send your CV ( in English & Chinese) to us



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