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发布时间:2011-09-26 16:45   来源:恒生银行招聘 查看:打印  关闭



At Hang Seng China, people are cherished as the most valuable resource. Shaping a culture that engages and inspires staff is the cornerstone of our people management philosophy. That's why we are committed to providing a positive and constructive personal growth environment to support the holistic development and success of our people.

Our working philosophy reflects our three core beliefs: Dependable and doing the right things; Open to different ideas and cultures; Connected to customers, communities, regulators and each other. Do you share the same value? Are you ready to pursue a high-flying career? If your answers to these questions are "yes", sign up today for the Hang Seng China Mainland Management Trainee Programme.

Our 24-month Mainland Management Trainee Programme ("MMT") is an intensive and challenging programme designed to offer you a composition of banking knowledge, leadership skills, guidance and the exposure you need to develop into a successful leader in the banking industry.

The MMT Programme has the following specific streams

  • Corporate & Commercial Banking
  • Personal Financial Services
  • Operations

All three streams will provide you with comprehensive and dynamic classroom training, on-the-job training and attachment across a wide range of functions and businesses in Mainland China as well as an attachment in Hong Kong. It will expose you to the best banking practices and provide opportunities to establish your career with a company that enjoys the best financial and corporate reputation in Hong Kong and Mainland China.

For more information about our Mainland Management Trainee Programme, please visit: http://www.hangseng.com.cn

  • Classroom training on technical banking knowledge, product knowledge and leadership skills
  • In-depth knowledge on the business of Hang Seng China
  • On-the-job training in various departments
  • Assignment of work-based projects
  • Job rotation

Our goal is to develop you into a full-fledged and independent professional/manager within four years.


At Hang Seng China, we are fully aware that dedicated and highly-skilled staff is an invaluable resource. We invest considerably in developing talent and are working to ensure your success by providing a positive, constructive and supportive development environment.

We offer both broad and specialized training to facilitate your ongoing learning and development. In addition to learning about the general banking business and management techniques, your tailor-made curriculum will cover an extensive range of functional training to ensure that you are always able to perform to the highest standard and kept abreast of the latest and most important market developments.

Job Attachment and On-the-job Coaching
Expertise comes from hands-on experience. Through attachments to our core functions, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the banking world and how you can contribute toward its success. Our experienced line managers are committed to providing you with on-the-job coaching and guidance throughout your job attachments.

Some practices may not be as easy as theories suggest. An experienced senior executive will be your mentor to guide you along the way to becoming a high-flying executive at Hang Seng China.

Application Requirement
If you share the same value, ready to pursue a high-flying career and meet the following criteria:

  1. Hold a bachelor degree or above
  2. Have strong self-motivation, with the ability to work independently and under pressure
  3. Possess good communication, interpersonal and analytical skills
  4. Proficient in both English and Chinese
  5. Have high mobility
  6. Have less than two years' work experience

We sincerely invite you to visit our website http://www.hangseng.com.cn and sign up for the Hang Seng China Mainland Management Trainee Programme.

Assessment Process:

To determine if you have the management potential to make the most of the opportunities that will arise, we use a multiple stage approach based on our values and assessment criteria:




学校(校区) 日期 时间 地点
中山大学(南校区) 9月27日 19:00 小礼堂(南校区)
广东外语外贸大学 9月28日 19:00 图书馆负一层(本部)
中国人民大学 10月11日 19:00 北区食堂419 
对外经济贸易大学 10月13日 19:00 求真楼312就业招聘大厅
上海财经大学 10月17日 19:00 行政楼1楼报告厅
上海交通大学 10月20日 19:00 图书信息大楼(塔楼)8楼多功能厅(闵行校区)
南开大学 9月27日 19:00 大学生活动中心一楼多功能厅
厦门大学(思明校区) 9月27日 19:00 克立楼3楼报告厅 
宁波诺丁汉大学 10月12日 18:30 教学楼TB118
深圳大学 10月11日 19:00 科技楼二号报告厅
云南大学 10月11日 19:00 科学馆一楼报告厅
南京大学(鼓楼校区) 10月12日 19:00 知行楼一楼报告厅(鼓楼校区) 
浙江大学(玉泉校区) 10月13日 19:00 永谦活动中心报告厅2(玉泉校区)



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