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2011年11月汇丰银行HSBC HK 面经[失败的经验]

发布时间:2010-11-19 15:10 来源: 汇丰银行笔经,面经,试题查看:次 打印 关闭



HSBC 2011 HK trading analyst(full time)面经——失败还是要做贡献
直接入题,本人现在美国,所以约面试时间费了点周折,由于是HK trading 是 UK office面的,约了英国时间19:15,美国的下午2点15. 面试中受到的最大打击竟然是口音。。对方用标准的伦敦腔表示听不懂我说话因为“too fast and accent problem”。。。当时就傻了,长这么大头回有人说我accent成问题。。。心里不爽想这不废话嘛,我又没在伦敦长大。。。于是只好说抱歉,我会尽量slow down,如果听不清一定告诉我。结果3,4分钟后此人又一次打断说有没挺清楚的地方。。我当时心想没戏了。。。哎。。。也算受了教益了。题目如下

1. Why HSBC, why trading?
2. When you started to do your research on financial and banking industry and why you like it
3. What do you think that HSBC is different from its competitors.
4. Why do you think trading business fits you?
5. Give an example of teamwork/cooperate with other people.
6. Give an example when you work with a person who has a different profile
7. Give an example when you give a public presentation
8. Give an example when you succeeded in persuading some one.
9. How do I deal with disagreement. Detailed backgrounds needed.
10. How I deal with multitasks
11. Illustrate a big challenge I faced and how I solved.


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