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发布时间:2012-03-20 12:45 来源: 德意志银行招聘查看:次 打印 关闭

SEO China 2012暑期实习生招募

[招募平台 - SEO China]

于1963年发源于美国的SEO(Sponsors for Educational Opportunity) 是一家非盈利性组织,其宗旨是向优秀的少数裔学生提供在投资银行、律师事务所和其他全球领先公司的实习机会。

2006 年,曾受益于该项目的曹嘉泰(Thomas G. Tsao)先生将SEO引入中国,成立了SEO China, 向中国以及部分海外学生提供风险投资公司的实习机会并建立各届实习生间紧密的关系网络。经过六年的发展,SEO China历届校友现已分布在国内外著名的公司企业,涉及行业包括投资银行、私募基金、风险投资、咨询公司、律师事务所、会计师事务所以及其他全球领先的公司。

[实习公司 – 戈壁合伙人]

戈壁合伙人有限公司是一家成立于2002年的风险投资公司,其总部及创业孵化中心设在上海,并在北京香港beplay888备用网址 以及新加坡等地设有办事处。作为一家中国领先的关注于国内早期数字媒体和技术领域的投资公司,戈壁管理着四支基金,共计超过3亿美元。

戈壁依托包括IBM、McGraw-Hill、Nokia Growth Partners、NTT DoCoMo、 Sierra Ventures 及Steamboat Ventures等战略投资者的强大资源网络,为企业家们提供了一个极佳的沟通平台,使其能够更近距离地接触世界领先企业和投资公司。戈壁同样获得了政府部门的大力支持,政府合作伙伴包括上海浦东科技投资公司、天津海泰集团以及新加坡媒体发展管理局(MDA)。



















如有任何问题,请发送邮件至 recruit@seo-china.org

SEO China Summer Internship Program 2012

[Recruiting Platform - SEO China]

Founded in 1963 in New York City, SEO (Sponsors for Educational Opportunity) is a non-profit organization that helps motivated minority students further their careers by providing internships and full-time offers in investment banks, corporate law firms and other leading global companies.

SEO China recruits outstanding Chinese students for internship opportunities in Gobi Partners, one of the leading venture capital firms in China. This program will provide first-hand experience and valuable opportunities to access the capital market in China and the world. It will also help you to establish connections within the financial industry and cultivate leadership skills. Please log on to www.seo-china.org for further information.

[Internship Firm - Gobi Partners]

Founded in 2002, Gobi Partners is a venture capital firm with its headquarter and incubation center in Shanghai, additional offices in Beijing, Hong Kong and Tianjin, as well as an oversea office in Singapore. As leading investor in early stage digital media and technology companies in China, Gobi manages four funds with over US$300 million under management. Since its establishment, Gobi has funded dozens of early to traction stage companies and continues to invest actively in the region. Please log on to www.gobivc.com for further information.

[Internship Program]

1.During this two-month program, you will have the opportunity to:

2.Learn about how to be a venture capitalist through practices concerning capital operations

3.Gain access to first﹉and market information and conduct industry research

4.Learn about start﹗p companies and communicate with the CEOs

5.Study Harvard Business School cases about previous operations of Gobi Partners

6.Be involved in charity and community activity.

[Criteria & Requirements]

1.Excellent academic records with outstanding research and analytical skills.

2.Strong interests in TMT, finance, management, PE, VC and passions for entrepreneurship.

3.Team player, strong initiative and social responsibility

4.Second year or above in undergraduate study or first year or above in postgraduate study

5.Proficiency in English, both oral and written.

[Application Process]

Please log on to www.seo-china.org and submit the application before Mar.31, 2012

First round interview

Final round interview

Early applications are encouraged as the CV screening is conducted on a rolling basis

Should you have any question, please write to recruit@seo-china.org



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